Monday, December 30, 2013

Vaseline Lip Therapy Rosy Lips Review

Hello lovelies!

If you've read my blog for a while then you know I swear by Vaseline. It's my hero against chapped lips in winter. Last week I went to Target, and ventured into the skincare/bodycare aile and found this. I had never seen it before, and since it was less than $2 I bought it.

As the regular Vaseline Lip Theraphy, it promises to hydrate and smooth your lips while giving you a rosy tint.
The  back of the packaging
I love the color it shows in the jar. It doesn't have any glitter so that is a plus for me. As a bonus it even smells like roses!

Here is my lips without the product and with it.
As you can see is not a major difference. I can barely see any color. Perhaps is because my lips are already pigmented and the color doesn't come off well. I've seen other reviews from people and it gives them a very pretty and soft rosy tint. But these people had pale lips.

Overall it is the same as you plain old vaseline, it has the same thick consistensy, and gives the same results. So I would recommend this particular version if you have pale lips. Otherwise skip it and buy the plain version.



  1. It looks like you would have to have white lips for it to show up at all O.O your lips aren't even dark, I am surprised it doesn't show up at all. Probably just a marketing ploy to get people to buy vaseline :p thanks for the pics!

  2. It looked so cute, but not much difference from the old vaseline... I am using the old ones..

  3. Thanks for this. I really like what you've posted here and wish you the best of luck with this blog and thanks for sharing. Vaseline Lip Therapy Rosy Lips
