Sunday, January 6, 2013

Wishes for 2013

Hey guys!
I haven't been active online for the past couple days because a lot of things happened. I got very sick on New years eve. I woke up on the 31st with a fever and stomach ache. I couldn't eat for 2 days because everything I tried to eat I ended up throwing it up. It was awful. So I stayed in bed sleeping all day.  I went to my boyfriend's for a little while, but fell asleep because I wasn't feeling well. Not precisely the best way to start the new year.
I also met with a longtime friend of mine who I hadn't seen in a while. We went to the Japanese market and bought a lot of things. That will be my next post.

Don't know if you noticed I cut my hair quite short. My hair got in a really bad condition after I over bleached it. It was impossible to comb, I couldn't style it or do anything to it. I tried so many treatments but nothing worked so the only way to solve that problem was to get rid of it.
before the haircut
after haircut
After all I think short hair suits me best. It is much easier to style and dries fast. I've been told I look younger with short hair haha.

The other day I bought a bottle of wine because I liked the bottle. It had a description that looked like it was written by the stereotypical airhead dumb blonde.

They have an entire line of drinks that represent a middle sister. They have the skinny girl, the hippie, rocker and so many others.  End of randomness. 

I've been thinking about resolutions for 2013. Mostly because I feel like I need to sort out things, and I feel like a big mess right now. So my plans are to:

1- Visit a city I never been to
2- Go to Disneyland
3- Lose 10 Pounds
4- Learn to manage my finances better
5- Go back to school in the Fall.



  1. Hola Mony!
    Me alegra escuchar que ya te encuentras bien! y que mal que te enfermaste u__u
    Si había notado que te cortaste el cabello y se ve muy bien así ^^
    La botella de vino si que esta muy curiosa hehe xD
    Espero que de verdad puedas cumplir tus propósitos y este sea un muy buen año para ti!^^
    Cuidate mucho y nos leemos luego!(^ω^)ノ゙

  2. I hope you can achieve all your wishes <3
    happy new year~

  3. Eep I'm sorry for what happened to you on the New Year, But happy you are good now!
    You look cute with your new hairstyle :)
    xxx, Lara

  4. Ooo that bottle of wine is cute! I hope the new year is better for you! :)
    LaceyLoves x

  5. I think you suit the shorter hair style!:) And good luck with your resolutions!! The wine bottle is very cute too!

  6. You are gorgeous! And you have a lovely blog, just followed xo

  7. Lovely!
    Nice blog you have dear ♥
    Check out mine sometime if you'd like ♥

  8. I Hope that all your wishes will come true and this year will be the best year it can be! You Have A Great Blog :) Thanks

  9. Yup short hair looks great on you! Preeeeetty...
