Tuesday, December 11, 2012

How to Buy From Liz Lisa

Hey guys!
From time to time I've gotten questions about this. So I decided to explain it all on this post. As many of you might have noticed already is not possible to buy directly from Liz Lisa because they don't ship overseas. So basically it only leaves us unlucky foreigners with few options to get their lovely products.

So here are some options in case you want to buy and are not in Japan.
1- Buy directly from the store using a shopping service

You have 2 options. Buy from the Liz Lisa Webstore or the Shibuya 109 Net Shop.

Buying from these options is the most expensive, but also the safest method if you are concerned with the authenticity of you clothes. The sale section is constantly updated and sometimes you can get items for 2000 yen! Check it everyday because the items sell fast and sometimes they restock.

If you decide to use tenso as your shopping service (as is recommended by Liz Lisa), you have to sign up at the Liz Lisa store, and go through the whole process of ordering by yourself. Be warned that there is no "English version" of the online store, so have a translator open at all times or use this great tutorial. You have to have a credit/debit card to purchase on the store. Tenso doesn't email you when the items get to their warehouse so check often. Tenso only ships the items via EMS. It is the most expensive method, but it is insured and fast. Be warned that although they say EMS might be fastest method sometimes it is not. Your package might be held by customs longer, and depending on your country you may have to pay taxes on import. I would recommend using tenso if there are few units available so you can ensure you will get the items you like.

The last two times I've ordered from Liz Lisa I've used treasure-japan.com as my shopping service. I'm pleased with it because I don't have to purchase the items myself. I just fill out the order form on their site and they do their job. Once the item gets to their warehouse they will email you. They offer you various shipping methods, so if you are not in a hurry to get your items you can use less expensive shipping methods. But I wouldn't recommend it if you are only a few units left because although they are fast sometimes the items you want to buy can sold out before they can place your order.

Usually shopping services will charge you around 10% of your order including local shipping plus paypal fee which is usually 4%. Tenso charges comission based on your items' weight.

2- Buy from auctions

Japan has their own versions of ebay which are Yahoo Auctions and Mbok. I'm not very experienced buying from auctions. I'm not even sure if foreigners can create an account to begin with. It all depends on the seller because some may accept international orders, some may not accept foreign credit cards or paypal.

The pro of buying from auctions is that you can sometimes find authentic pieces from previous collections at a good price or sold out items. There is also a con... there are fake Liz Lisa items being sold in Japan too. Some fake items might be sold there so just beware and read the descriptions. You can use a shopping  service like treasure-japan. They will place a bid for you, and will notify you if you win.

3- Buy from gyaru sales 

This community is basicaly another gals selling their old clothes. Although there are some replicas most gals will tell you before hand if it's a replica or not.

Gyaru Community Sales
Gyaru Sales Facebook Group

4- Buy fake from Taobao

If  the authenticity of your clothes is something not important to you and looking for a bargain then taobao is for you.

Taobao is the Chinese version of Amazon. You can find about any imaginable piece from Liz Lisa for fairly cheap. Around $30 for a dress. The quality is ok, but it depends on the seller.

You will need a shopping service because some sellers don't ship overseas, and you need a Chinese bank account to pay. I recommend using taobaospree I've used them without any problem before, and have great customer service.

Some shops from Taobao that I've bought from and I like are Vivid's and HelloChild

5- Buy from Ebay

I do not trust ebay when it come to Liz Lisa because most of it is fake.
Here are some pointers to tell whether the item is fake or not. If the seller is located in Hong Kong, is offering a piece from an older collection. Has multiple items of the same piece, and has all the colors available, then it is fake!

I'm aware Liz Lisa has some official stores in Hong Kong, but Liz Lisa doesn't keep producing items from older collections. From time to time there might be a seller selling their old clothes, some are fake, but you can always ask the seller about the authenticity.
6- Buy from places like minky shop or sweetgyaru shop

I'ver never purchased from these, but I've read mix reviews. They are located in Hong Kong and some say that their clothes are actually replicas from Taobao and they sell them at x3 the price.

7- Foreign stores

Liz Lisa has some stores overseas. Mostly in Asia. Recently another store opened in San Francisco CA. It's located on the Kinokuniya Building in Japantown. They just opened about two weeks ago so there is not a lot of info about this yet.

Edit:  The store in San Francisco that sells Liz Lisa is called Maruq

So that's it, if you have any question you can always email me or leave a comment below.



  1. Buy *fake* from Taobao :D LOL *chuckled* :D Honesty is a good thing yes :D
    Thanks for this, this was useful info :3
    x, Lara

  2. Great post :)

    I didn't think to use an independent agent for Liz Lisa! I may do that one day when money trickles in... For now I am satisfied with fakes from Taobao ^ ^'

  3. great post sweetie...

    xoxo Wengie

  4. Awesome post :D

    Was having lots of trouble on how to purchase from japan online stores because of the shipping restriction. Thank you for you faqs!

  5. Thank you so much for all these info !! <3

  6. Do debit cards work on the liz lisa website? Mine isn't working!

    1. they do, you might want to try to call your bank, sometimes they block them because since you're purchasing from a foreign country they think it can be some sort of fraud.

  7. thanks for the informative sharing, I bought a lot from Liz Lisa too and the forwarding service i use is Transbang which I found service fee is cheaper and consolidate 10 orders for free which you can make big purchase online https://goo.gl/9r45JX

    First, they decided to RANDOMLY CHANGE the Customs declaration I SPECIFICALLY AND EXPRESSLY provided without even telling me beforehand - I found out by the Customs of my country ITSELF what they did -, which made my parcel be rejected by them and returned. I was needing it urgently and I paid much more to have it shipped via EMS, totally in vain. They did absolutely nothing about that and just preferred to stop answering my messages.
    They use the AWFULEST system I’ve ever seen, HORRIBLY translated to English, CONFUSING AND TOTALLY INCONVENIENT, PURPOSELY SO YOU MAKE MORE MISTAKES AND THEY CAN GET MORE MONEY FROM YOU. Because they sent a WRONG payment request, I was obliged to pay AN EXTRA REPACKING FEE and they didn’t do anything about that either.
    To top it off, I had to pay a fee for ADDITIONAL REINFORCEMENT which is an optional service that I didn’t request. After several messages and spending much of my energy and time INSISTING I DIDN’T REQUEST IT and they basically saying I was LYING, they then told me that it was another "mistake" and that yes, I was telling the truth?!
    I’ve used Tenso JAPAN, Jp Deliver, MANY mail forwarders in the U.S. and in Europe for MANY years and never faced such dishonest behavior from any of them.
    Be aware: they’ll try to get as much as money as possible from you! They’ll lie and say you requested services you didn’t and will then ignore your messages! DON’T USE THEIR SERVICES!

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