Saturday, March 3, 2012

The Tiniest Jar of Vaseline

Hey guys
During the week I went to Target to pick up a few things I was running low on. I couldn't help to notice this!A super tiny jar of Vaseline, it was only $1.79, so I obviously bought it. This isn't your regular vaseline, it is the "lip therapy" vaseline, but I read the ingredients and they are all the same! Petroleum Jelly.
I love Vaseline, because it is cheap, and you can use it for so many things. My favorite kind is the cocoa butter one, it smells so good!

One of my favorite uses is lip balm. Here in San Diego, winters are not very cold and dry compared to other places where it even snows. You can pretty much get away with just a cardigan. But my lips suffer during winter, they become so chapped and dry, and Vaseline is the only thing that works during this time.

So Vaseline in a tiny jar is good enough for me because, it is so small that i can actually carry this when me.
Vaseline can be a bit too thick for everyday lip balm, so I recommend using this at night before you go to bed, and you will wake up with super soft lips.



  1. Haha! Wow, so tiny and cute!

  2. hello from australia!! new follower =) randomly stumbled onto your blog! That vaseline is really cute! we dont have anything like that here apart from the tube version.

    If you have time please stop by my blog @ The Ugly Moments. Looking forward to more post lovey!

    xo kerker

  3. I love things in cute, tiny packages.

    P.S. We are having a giveaway over on our blog for a personalized necklace. If you have time please stop by and enter.

  4. Hi hun I just wanted to let you know I awarded you with a blog award. You can check it out here.

  5. Here in the Philippines we also have small tubs of Petroleum Jelly, and I agree, these are lifesavers! The best Philippine brand of PJ is Apollo, you can never go wrong with it, I swear! :D

    Hugs from the Philippines, Nessa. :*

  6. That's just so adorable!
    I love your blog, it's awesome!
    I'm now following it=)

  7. Its awsome! I just followed...
    follow me back and give me some feedback
