I'm very happy because the lovely Nicole nominated me for my very first award. I had this post as a draft for almost a month, so it was about time for me to finish it and actually publish it.So as part of my nomination, I have chosen 15 blogs to receive this award. Also, will share 7 facts about myself.

I nominate.
1 Diana
2 N
3 Yu
4 Ninoshka
5 Thuy
6 Mandy
7 Jess
8 Sunny & Star
9 Shiro
10 Aki
11 Wenjin
12 Mimi
13 Audrey
14 Nenacho
15 Trisha
Facts about myself.
1- I was born in Tijuana, Mexico. I lived there until I was sixteen, then my family moved to San Diego, CA, and we are still here. I can speak spanish very well.
2- Not many know about this, but I am 1/4 native. My grandmother from my father's side was a Cora Indian. I never got to meet her because she passed away long before I was born.
3- I have never had a cat or a dog as pets.
4- I met my boyfriend in college, we have been dating for over 4 years.
5- I love kpop, mostly the only music that I listen to.
6- I'm allergic to shrimp.
7- I once ate a whole box of Hostess Donettes by myself in one day.
waaaaaaaaaaaaaau!!!! yo pense que eras asiatica! pero no indiaaaa! que guay! que envidia me das chicaaaaa! eres una moada!